Thelifeofmrsdonna is always updating because it's all about my life.
To find out daily activities about thelifeofmrsdonna, please contact me by joining me on facebook daily. My Hashtag is #MrsDonna which you can go to the Search Bar and find me. Please Follow me. Donna Hall Black Female, Age 61 from Wilmington, Delaware. Also you can join my 2 Facebook Pages which are Breaking Chains of Bondage to Liberate You which you type these words in on Search and once it comes up please like and follow. You will see my face to know it's me.
My other Facebook Page is the same name as my Website Blog. Thelifeofmrsdonna.com just type that in on the Search Bar and you will find me also on Facebook. Click like and follow and comment on my posts.
I have 2 Great Granddaughters now. Alonna Love is now 9 months old, and Leiani will be 3 years old on May 30th.
My daughter Melanie Robinson above, is due to have her daughter no later than May 15th of this month. She has 6 girls and 1 boy. They are ages 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23 and will soon be having a New Baby Girl. Emerie Jade. She will be done having children after she is born.
I personally have 18 Grandchildren, 2 Great Grandchildren, and 1 Baby Girl on the way. So as you can see that I am very busy and blessed by the Lord to see my Childrens, childrens, children. Also my Mother who is now 80 years old is a Great Great Grandmother.
I would like for you all to Join in and support thelifeofmrsdonna. Not just on my Website but by seeing me daily on facebook. Also my 3 Youtube channels you can support me by subscribing. Donna Hall8117, thelifeofmrsdonnalhall, and Grandma Donna's Wisdom Bites. Type in search on youtube and subscribe to all 3 to help support me.
Also to Purchase my Book called Laughter in the rain by Donna L Hall. If you live in America. You can purchase a Autographed copy of my book directly from me by Sending 25.00 to my Cashapp id which is $Donnalhall. This includes shipping and handling as well as autograph and a bookmark. Those who live in Wilmington, Delaware can skip the Shipping cost by just purchasing a book.
Please inbox me your mailing information if you don't have a cashapp and you can send me a Money Order of $25.00 I need your information in order to send you a Book USPS with a tracking number telling you when your book will arrive. I have many people who have already purchased my book and they didn't have any problems getting it in the mail.
To learn more about my Book, you can go to Amazon and type in my Book title under Inspirational Book to scan the Content under Laughter in the rain downloads which is cheaper if you want it downloaded on your cell phone for only $3.99
This is how my book looks under Kindle Downloads. Read what the Book is about and be blessed by it. Please in any way support me for I have so much more work to do for the Lord and your gifts are appreciated.
To Join my Fan Club MailBox Please send gifts, cards, postcards, letters and well wishes to P.O. Box 9269 Wilmington, Delaware 19809 Donna L Hall is my name. Tell me about you and what you love about Thelifeofmrsdonna.
I would love to eventually have merchandise to sell for my fans with my picture and brand name on it. #MrsDonna as well as Thelifeofmrsdonna.com I love to make you Smile. Laugh. Think. Do a happy dance. Live your best life with God's help and guidance.
As I always close on facebook. Don't let nobody steal your joy, peace, laughter or sanity. You owe it to yourself to love you daily. You can't buy peace of mind in a Store. God wants his children to have peace and not be manipulated into being controlled by anyone. Be free to love you and if they don't wanna show you love then they or you can move forward. You can live a great life without someone coming into it to steal you joy.
I love you all so very much and always take the Lord with you wherever you go.