Dreams really do come true. The Lord is perfecting those things which concern me, by cleaning out the clutter in my life, so that I can focus clearly on what he created me to become.
It's so exciting to be working towards fulfilling your goals and dreams in life. Everyone should dream BIG!!! What is it that you desire to do with your life? What brings you COMPLETE JOY? Whatever that thing is, focus on it. Pray about it, meditate on it. Make steps to achieving your goals by first writing them down, and then having a plan.
When you have obstacles in your way that are distracting you from moving forward to achieving something that you believe is a part of your destiny or as I will say my divine destiny, then you must deal with that issue first in order to move forward.
Don't allow anyone or anything to take you off course from achieving something that you believe is a part of your DNA, the core of your innermost being. I am happiest when I am focused on achieving what I believe is my Purpose for Living.
The Bible says that "Without a Vision, my people perish for lack of knowledge." So in all thy getting, get an understanding of your purpose. Don't just say "I'm on this planet for whatever, and I have no dreams or goals to accomplish. I'm just existing. That's sad.
Dream Big!!! Always believe that you were created for Greatness! Let Go, and Let God have his way in your life. He will lead, guide, and direct your footsteps. A Goodman's steps are ordered by the Lord. I am just excited because I AM SEEING WHAT GOD IS DOING IN MY LIFE.
THE BEST IS YET TO COME FOR ME. STAY TUNED!!! FOLLOW AND SUPPORT #MrsDonna at thelifeofmrsdonna.com You can find me on Facebook links below. Twitter Donna35850. Instagram Donnahall8117. Tictok Donnahall32. For my 3 Youtube channels please hit the subscribe button. Donna Hall8117, thelifeofmrsdonnalhall and Grandma Donnas Wisdom Bites.
I have many groups on Facebook. Just go to SEARCH and type #MrsDonna and my posts will come up. I have 2 business and inspirational pages. Breaking the chains of bondage to liberate you is one of them. The other one is called thelifeofmrsdonna.com but not as the Website but as my Page name. Please Follow and Like them all.
I have many stories to tell to help you learn what the Lord has helped me get through and is still helping me, as well as the humor in my life that he gave me for a big dose of medication which I need daily. Laughter is my healing, my therapy. I am a writer, author, evangelist, encourager, spread love, happy dance, movement is medicine, inspiration, scripture moments, hair, wigs, makeup, driver, foodie, and cook when I feel like it. Family, Fun, Movies and Enjoy Life. I still want my own home that I own one day. Pray for me.
We will have all that we have dreamtšš½