I and my family have been dealing with flu-like symptoms for the last week. We are daily improving but what I am learning more is that it is vital to take care of our Immune System Health.
When you are dealing with weather changes and flu season, we all need to vitamin up and eat foods that help build up our immune system. I have been drinking plenty of hot tea as well as taking vitamin C for almost 3 weeks straight now which is really helping me.
I'm finding out that I am loving my broccoli and cabbage which are both vegetables that help fight off viruses and build Immune Health. Always keep in mind that Health Matters. We are important.
Get your Broccoli. It is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. I asked the Lord to give me more wisdom in everything that I do. That way I am keeping up with my health. I will speak that I am Healthy. Whole. Complete in Jesus Christ's name and that my Body, Mind, and Spirit all need to be doing well. Soul Food is more than just food, but feeding the Inner Man as well.
Cabbage is packed with vitamin C. It helps improve digestion. Heart Health. May lower your blood pressure, lower cholesterol. It is an excellent source of vitamin K. I am just seeing that vegetables, fruits, and vitamins are an important part of Immune Health. We really are what we eat.

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