Whatever your dreams and visions are focus on them in order for them to come to pass. We can at times become so busy with everyday life, that we forget to focus on our dreams and visions that the Lord gave us.
I know that I am an Author, writer, evangelist, encourager, happydance lady, humorist, and keep it real woman. I wrote a Book called "Laughter in the rain" by me Donna L. Hall. My Book is very inspirational and it is a collaboration of Inspirational Writings along with Short Stories to encourage you that you can make it.
My Book as you can see is on Amazon for you to view information so that you can support me. Also you can purchase through myself by contacting me at 1 302-358-5061 United States. Leave a voicemail about wanting my Book. If you have Cashapp it is more simple to get it. Autographed copies which include shipping within the USA only is $25.00 Include your information on my voicemail.
If you want 1 on 1 Talk, Counsel, or Advice, Please state that by leaving a Voicemail. To Interact with me on Facebook please go to the Search Button and Type in #MrsDonna which is a Brand name of mine and you can easily find me on Facebook as well as Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter and Tictok.
My 3 Youtube channels are Donna Hall8117, thelifeofmrsdonnalhall and Grandma Donna's Wisdom Bites. To Support me Hit the Subscribe Buttons to all 3 of my Sites and do watch and comment.
You are valuable and you are loved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Know that there is nothing going on in your life that the Lord can't get you through. Call on him, for he is a very present help in times of trouble. Read Psalms 91 Chapter which is very encouraging for anyone who wants to get closer to the Lord and Psalms 1st Chapter, which are favorites of mine.
LOVE CONQUERS ALL. Always know that the Lord loves you and only wants his best for you. #MrsDonna also loves you. Please read my over 200 posts and many many groups on facebook. Learn to Live, Laugh, Love and do the Happy Dance Exercise Movements with me.
I am age 62 now. I have 19 Grandchildren and 2 Great Granddaughters. I love life, and want to share what I have learned down through the years to help inspire and encourage you that you can do all things through Christ who daily gives you strength.
I am still learning and growing in the Lord. He is perfecting those things which concern me, and is taking me out of my comfort zone in order to do the work and assignments that he has called me to do.
Please pray for me and support me. Support by joining my groups, Pages, Youtube channels, Twitter @Donna35850. Instagram at Donnahall8117, and Ticktok Donnahall32. Facebook I am Donna Hall from Wilmington, Delaware Age 62 Black Female or just type in #MrsDonna and click the follow button.
I fell and sprained my right knee, so I need your support. I am working on my health and nutrition needs for my body. Please help support me along my journey. God bless you all richly. May the love and peace of God saturate your mind, body and spirit man in Jesus Christg name. Amen Amen and Amen.
Please support my beautiful, talented, God fearing motheršš½šš½šš½